Lee County & Town of Pennington Gap — Initial Advertisement - TACS


On February 14, 2025, or as soon thereafter as may be effected, actions will be commenced under the authority of Virginia Code §58.1-3965, et seq., to begin proceedings to sell the following parcels of real estate for the payment of Lee County, Virginia and Town of Pennington Gap, Virginia, delinquent real estate taxes:

Property Owner(s) Tax Map No. Account No. TACS No.
Adams, et als, James 61A-(1)-BK6, 15-27 3 575813
American Concrete & Block Products, Inc. 23E-(57)-1,2 18312 575747
American Concrete & Block Products, Inc. 23E-(40)-3B 21012 575747
Ayers, Anthony & Nina Ayers 62-(2)-9B 35 497014
Barker, Lora 23E-(38)-BK7-1,2,3 6365 819818
Barnes, Lisa Ann 65-(A)-80 1307 658101
Beatty, Ruth 23E-(16)-BK1-10 5846 1049696
Bishop, Glen 27-(4)-1E 11083 182257
Bledsoe, James C. 38-(A)-142 6938 96011
Bledsoe, Jesse L. 38B-(21)-1 21414 942324
Bledsoe, Jesse L. 38B-(21)-2 7974 942324
Blevins, Hubert Estate & Joyce Blevins Executrix 15-(9)-1 11141 496835
Bowen, Jr., Glen Jessie, Jamie Bowen & Daniel John Haven Coomer 28-(1)-4 12357 575684
Bowen, Jr., Glen Jessie, Jamie Bowen & Daniel John Haven Coomer 28-(1)-4E 12358 575684
Bresee, Hillis & Eddie Bresee 17-(A)-93 11036 658310
Burchett, Jean 87-(A)-25 12700 456562
Carpenter, Alfreda 23E-(38)-BK8,15,16 5960 67240
Carter, Aubrey Gene & Jeffery Allen Lane 65-(A)-146 2572 819793
Chandler, Karen N. 25D-(2)-5 20682 658306
Cluesman, Jerry M. & Donna H. Cluesman 54D-(1)-E-TR4-TR5 15318 385731
Cowden, Betty E. 36A-(4)-13-16 3500 658406
Creekmore, Darryl Allen (Life Estate) 22-(A)-85 7136 748268
Cresswood Properties, LLC 23E-(8)-80 6328 833882
Dalton, Thomas Franklin 23E-(8)-24 15910 575717
Davis, Irene & Russell Davis 18-(A)-45B 19997 182121
Davis, Patsy & Larry Davis 38B-(17)-2 20658 658305
Deirth, Jerry 12-(A)-193 9375 658617
Eichelberger, Clint 38D-(6)-BK1,2-8,2A-8A,PT1 7086 182131
Ellis, Mike 84-(A)-27 1025 657992
Ely, Carl G. 53-(A)-27A 3885 658425
Fin & Feathers’ Chapter & Commercial Fishing, LLC 48-(A)-102A 22796 1049740
Fin & Feathers’ Chapter & Commercial Fishing, LLC 48-(A)-102B 23538 1049740
Flanary, Timothy R. 72-(6)-1 20545 748227
Freeman, Margaret E. 12-(A)-183 9957 658640
Fuston, Kelly 79-(A)-83 17561 96023
Garrett, John Paul 23E-(29)-BKA-5-25 6088 497056
Gibson, Sr., Hubert 22A-(6)-BKA-1-3 8778 496952
Gibson, Victoria, et al. 38B-(1)-6A 8542 497100
Green, Everette 23E-(11)-BK19,42-43 6054 833883
Green, Everette 23E-(11)-BK19,44-46 6058 833883
H. R. Realty, LLC 25-(A)-27 11208 1049785
Hall, George Lee 21-(A)-33A 9337 497118
Hammonds, Jeffrey 23-(A)-190 7426 182152
Hammonds, Jeffrey 24-(25)-TR8,TR9 23152 658366
Hammonds, Jeffrey & Georgia Hammonds 58A-(2)-BKC-1-16 7135 182152
Hammonds, Jeffrey L. 24-(A)-24 7944 182152
Hammonds, Jeffrey L. 24-(A)-24A 17779 182152
Hammonds, Jeffrey Lynn & Chad Jeffrey Hammonds 24-(5)-1-1A-2 8124 182154
Harris, Sandra J., Life Estate 36-(A)-59A 21121 575778
Hartley, Roger 23E-(8)-118 5979 497052
Hartsock, Charles W. & Nella N. Hartsock 52D-(1)-BK5-29-32-29A-32A 16918 749206
Hartsock, Charles W. & Nella N. Hartsock 52D-(1)-BK5-33-36-33A-36A 16932 749206
Hoke, Donna & Nancy Nelson 57-(A)-38A 15862 658159
Houanio, Trula, Anthony Houanio, Margaret Houanio & Michael Hobbs 47A-(5)-BK2,14-17 2337 35498
Jenkins, Ricky D. & Diane Jenkins 52-(12)-1 22193 748240
Jessee, Robert David & Kimberly Lee Jessee 52-(6)-3 3461 942395
Johnson, Carol Diane 23E-(8)-50B 18441 731460
Johnson, Rosie Fleenor 73-(A)-82A 3817 497019
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) 55-(3)-6 3830 181948
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) 55-(3)-8 3832 181948
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) 55A-(3)-TR4 15960 181948
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) 55A-(3)-BK3,5,BK4,1B-8B,1C8C,BK6,11A,11B,TR3 16578 181948
Jones, Bobby R., et al. 55-(A)-52 3826 181948
Jones, Roger Lee 55-(A)-53 2826 658384
Juno Medical Association, LLC 23E-(7)-9-12,21-24 6544 731427
Lawson, Jr., Lynn A. 6-(A)-54A 17147 819761
Leber, Sue 13A-(4)-1 20604 575774
Leber, Sue 13A-(4)-2 8930 575774
Ledford, Tiffany Renee 23E-(8)-35 5881 731426
Ledford, Tiffany Renee 23E-(8)-36 6578 731426
Ledford, Tiffany Renee 23E-(8)-40 6576 731426
Ledford, Tiffany Renee 23E-(8)-41 6577 731426
Lee, Johnny David & Abignil Lisa Lee 8A-(1)-4 10518 181960
Livesay, Robert Dale 38-(A)-147 15493 181966
Midway Land Holding, LLC 36C-(2)-1-7 8159 731430
Midway Land Holding, LLC 23E-(31)-48,23E-(37)-1-18 6782 731430
Midway Land Holding, LLC 23E-(8)-81-83 6326 731430
Miles, Tomesa 24-(6)-2A 22649 496996
Minton, William A. & Betty S. Minton 25G-(3)-4 12175 456560
Parsons, Elizabeth A. 23E-(31)-2 6209 658498
Parsons, Elizabeth A. 23E-(31)-3 6325 658498
Pease, Herbert Bernard 35-(A)-13D 21140 96508
Pennington, Nathan 21-(A)-14 9729 182001
Perkins, Mark 83-(6)-8-9 75 658538
Ridings, Charles A. & Barbara Sue Ridings 25J-(2)-6 12289 182219
Riggs, Chester 72-(8)-1 20750 942445
Riggs, Chester M. 23E-(11)-BK22,8A-9 6145 942445
Riggs, Chester M. & Mary Lynn Riggs 72-(8)-2 21014 942445
Robbins, David & Kathy Freeman 13-(A)-133 9853 182220
Roberts, James W. 26-(2)-A1 17565 819549
Roberts, James W. 26-(2)-B-11 12304 819549
Rogers, Micah J. & Tiffany A. Rogers 26E-(1)-132 18824 496942
Rothey, Brian Kenneth 84-(1)-1 15694 819567
Rothey, Brian Kenneth 84-(1)-4 18031 819567
Rowlett, Georgia J. 35-(A)-82 20923 819786
Sanders, Sr., Michael Ray & Mary Helen Sanders (Life Estate) 55-(8)-5A 15378 387494
Scherer, A. J. Revocable Living Trust U/D/T 2007 64A-(2)-28A 262 387561
Shubert, Danny & Fred Marion 25-(4)-4-5 12147 819557
Shubert, Danny & Fred Marion 15-(1)-1-&-15-(A)-59 11252 819557
Skidmore, Alonzo & Frances Lynn Skidmore 86-(A)-33 12679 96584
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 47-(1)-20 12870 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 47-(1)-21C,22B 12720 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 47-(1)-22A,23 13073 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 80-(A)-79 1050 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 81-(A)-2 1179 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 81-(A)-1 2513 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 81-(A)-3 39 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 81-(A)-3B 16550 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 80-(A)-80 14110 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 80-(A)-81 2472 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 80-(A)-82 2471 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 80-(A)-83 1698 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 78-(A)-33 1633 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 78A-(2)-5A 19171 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 78A-(2)-4A-4 2290 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 62-(A)-31A 2288 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 62-(11)-1-5 2078 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 62A-(1)-BK2,5-14 74 748154
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade 48-(1)-27A-30A 13306 748154
Spade, Mark Edward 78A-(2)-3 2289 382405
Stevens, Lisa Ann 37-(1)-2,2A 173088 658206
Synergy Biofuels, LLC 56-(11)-14-16 20109 819780
United Well Service LE-(E)-6 21296 1049599
Vanhuss, Darell & Theresa Vanhuss 23E-(38)-BK3,14,15 15967 575718
Wardell, Jr., Jeffrey Scott 23E-(24)-BK29,18-19 23236 731448
Wells, Farrell & Joyce Wells 17-(A)-17 12412 387470
Wells, Farrell & Joyce Wells 17-(A)-84 12564 387470
Williams, Garry, Michael Todd Williams & Joyce Williams 23E-(37)-37-43 5893 658479
Williams, Wanda L., Reagan D. Williams & Richard D. Williams 23E-(31)-47 6785 575848
Wyatt, Dorrena & Christopher Wyatt 23E-(24)-BK30,29A,30 6004 942480
Yeary, Tyler E., Life Estate 83-(1)-4B 2710 35504





Property Owner(s) Tax Map No. Account No. TACS No.
Bledsoe, Bobby Joe & Geraldine Lynn Bledsoe 23E-(16)-BK9,1-3 6371 1079856
Campbell, James 23E-(34)-14A 2901 833888
Carden, Dennis 23E-(6)-10D 3270 497061
Eckles, Peggy Ann 23E-(26)-BK2,1,2 3216 731446
Ewing, Ben & Peggy Ewing 23E-(5)- BKA,13-15 4825 497055
Johnson, Matthew Aaron 23E-(74)-1 5962 387589
Johnson, Matthew Aaron 23E-(9)-BK1,29,30 6705 1049647
Johnson, Matthew Aaron 23E-(8)-124 6701 1049647
Parson, Norma J. 23E-(16)-BK5,6,7 3388 450548
Robinson, Janie Smith 23E-(8)-43 3454 450554
Slusher, Michelle 23E-(38)-BK3,1-5 5731 833889
Wilder, Amanda Mary 23E-(24)-BK2,9,8B,10B 6947 1079855
Wyatt, Dorrena & Christopher Wyatt 23E-(24)-BK30,28,29 7059 942480

Properties subject to delinquent real estate taxes may be redeemed by paying all accumulated taxes, penalties, interest, costs and fees.  Payments should be made payable to Lee County and/or Town of Pennington Gap and mailed to Taxing Authority Consulting Services PC, Post Office Box 31800, Henrico, Virginia 23294  Interested bidders and inquiries regarding the above-listed properties should be directed to TACS website at www.taxva.com, by telephone to (804) 545-2500, by email to taxsales@taxva.com or by mail to:

Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC
Re: Lee County and Town of Pennington Gap Delinquent RE Taxes
Post Office Box 31800
Henrico, Virginia 23294