On February 14, 2025, or as soon thereafter as may be effected, actions will be commenced under the authority of Virginia Code §58.1-3965, et seq., to begin proceedings to sell the following parcels of real estate for the payment of Lee County, Virginia and Town of Pennington Gap, Virginia, delinquent real estate taxes:
Property Owner(s) | Tax Map No. | Account No. | TACS No. |
Adams, et als, James | 61A-(1)-BK6, 15-27 | 3 | 575813 |
American Concrete & Block Products, Inc. | 23E-(57)-1,2 | 18312 | 575747 |
American Concrete & Block Products, Inc. | 23E-(40)-3B | 21012 | 575747 |
Ayers, Anthony & Nina Ayers | 62-(2)-9B | 35 | 497014 |
Barker, Lora | 23E-(38)-BK7-1,2,3 | 6365 | 819818 |
Barnes, Lisa Ann | 65-(A)-80 | 1307 | 658101 |
Beatty, Ruth | 23E-(16)-BK1-10 | 5846 | 1049696 |
Bishop, Glen | 27-(4)-1E | 11083 | 182257 |
Bledsoe, James C. | 38-(A)-142 | 6938 | 96011 |
Bledsoe, Jesse L. | 38B-(21)-1 | 21414 | 942324 |
Bledsoe, Jesse L. | 38B-(21)-2 | 7974 | 942324 |
Blevins, Hubert Estate & Joyce Blevins Executrix | 15-(9)-1 | 11141 | 496835 |
Bowen, Jr., Glen Jessie, Jamie Bowen & Daniel John Haven Coomer | 28-(1)-4 | 12357 | 575684 |
Bowen, Jr., Glen Jessie, Jamie Bowen & Daniel John Haven Coomer | 28-(1)-4E | 12358 | 575684 |
Bresee, Hillis & Eddie Bresee | 17-(A)-93 | 11036 | 658310 |
Burchett, Jean | 87-(A)-25 | 12700 | 456562 |
Carpenter, Alfreda | 23E-(38)-BK8,15,16 | 5960 | 67240 |
Carter, Aubrey Gene & Jeffery Allen Lane | 65-(A)-146 | 2572 | 819793 |
Chandler, Karen N. | 25D-(2)-5 | 20682 | 658306 |
Cluesman, Jerry M. & Donna H. Cluesman | 54D-(1)-E-TR4-TR5 | 15318 | 385731 |
Cowden, Betty E. | 36A-(4)-13-16 | 3500 | 658406 |
Creekmore, Darryl Allen (Life Estate) | 22-(A)-85 | 7136 | 748268 |
Cresswood Properties, LLC | 23E-(8)-80 | 6328 | 833882 |
Dalton, Thomas Franklin | 23E-(8)-24 | 15910 | 575717 |
Davis, Irene & Russell Davis | 18-(A)-45B | 19997 | 182121 |
Davis, Patsy & Larry Davis | 38B-(17)-2 | 20658 | 658305 |
Deirth, Jerry | 12-(A)-193 | 9375 | 658617 |
Eichelberger, Clint | 38D-(6)-BK1,2-8,2A-8A,PT1 | 7086 | 182131 |
Ellis, Mike | 84-(A)-27 | 1025 | 657992 |
Ely, Carl G. | 53-(A)-27A | 3885 | 658425 |
Fin & Feathers’ Chapter & Commercial Fishing, LLC | 48-(A)-102A | 22796 | 1049740 |
Fin & Feathers’ Chapter & Commercial Fishing, LLC | 48-(A)-102B | 23538 | 1049740 |
Flanary, Timothy R. | 72-(6)-1 | 20545 | 748227 |
Freeman, Margaret E. | 12-(A)-183 | 9957 | 658640 |
Fuston, Kelly | 79-(A)-83 | 17561 | 96023 |
Garrett, John Paul | 23E-(29)-BKA-5-25 | 6088 | 497056 |
Gibson, Sr., Hubert | 22A-(6)-BKA-1-3 | 8778 | 496952 |
Gibson, Victoria, et al. | 38B-(1)-6A | 8542 | 497100 |
Green, Everette | 23E-(11)-BK19,42-43 | 6054 | 833883 |
Green, Everette | 23E-(11)-BK19,44-46 | 6058 | 833883 |
H. R. Realty, LLC | 25-(A)-27 | 11208 | 1049785 |
Hall, George Lee | 21-(A)-33A | 9337 | 497118 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey | 23-(A)-190 | 7426 | 182152 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey | 24-(25)-TR8,TR9 | 23152 | 658366 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey & Georgia Hammonds | 58A-(2)-BKC-1-16 | 7135 | 182152 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey L. | 24-(A)-24 | 7944 | 182152 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey L. | 24-(A)-24A | 17779 | 182152 |
Hammonds, Jeffrey Lynn & Chad Jeffrey Hammonds | 24-(5)-1-1A-2 | 8124 | 182154 |
Harris, Sandra J., Life Estate | 36-(A)-59A | 21121 | 575778 |
Hartley, Roger | 23E-(8)-118 | 5979 | 497052 |
Hartsock, Charles W. & Nella N. Hartsock | 52D-(1)-BK5-29-32-29A-32A | 16918 | 749206 |
Hartsock, Charles W. & Nella N. Hartsock | 52D-(1)-BK5-33-36-33A-36A | 16932 | 749206 |
Hoke, Donna & Nancy Nelson | 57-(A)-38A | 15862 | 658159 |
Houanio, Trula, Anthony Houanio, Margaret Houanio & Michael Hobbs | 47A-(5)-BK2,14-17 | 2337 | 35498 |
Jenkins, Ricky D. & Diane Jenkins | 52-(12)-1 | 22193 | 748240 |
Jessee, Robert David & Kimberly Lee Jessee | 52-(6)-3 | 3461 | 942395 |
Johnson, Carol Diane | 23E-(8)-50B | 18441 | 731460 |
Johnson, Rosie Fleenor | 73-(A)-82A | 3817 | 497019 |
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) | 55-(3)-6 | 3830 | 181948 |
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) | 55-(3)-8 | 3832 | 181948 |
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) | 55A-(3)-TR4 | 15960 | 181948 |
Jones, Bobby R. (Life Estate) | 55A-(3)-BK3,5,BK4,1B-8B,1C8C,BK6,11A,11B,TR3 | 16578 | 181948 |
Jones, Bobby R., et al. | 55-(A)-52 | 3826 | 181948 |
Jones, Roger Lee | 55-(A)-53 | 2826 | 658384 |
Juno Medical Association, LLC | 23E-(7)-9-12,21-24 | 6544 | 731427 |
Lawson, Jr., Lynn A. | 6-(A)-54A | 17147 | 819761 |
Leber, Sue | 13A-(4)-1 | 20604 | 575774 |
Leber, Sue | 13A-(4)-2 | 8930 | 575774 |
Ledford, Tiffany Renee | 23E-(8)-35 | 5881 | 731426 |
Ledford, Tiffany Renee | 23E-(8)-36 | 6578 | 731426 |
Ledford, Tiffany Renee | 23E-(8)-40 | 6576 | 731426 |
Ledford, Tiffany Renee | 23E-(8)-41 | 6577 | 731426 |
Lee, Johnny David & Abignil Lisa Lee | 8A-(1)-4 | 10518 | 181960 |
Livesay, Robert Dale | 38-(A)-147 | 15493 | 181966 |
Midway Land Holding, LLC | 36C-(2)-1-7 | 8159 | 731430 |
Midway Land Holding, LLC | 23E-(31)-48,23E-(37)-1-18 | 6782 | 731430 |
Midway Land Holding, LLC | 23E-(8)-81-83 | 6326 | 731430 |
Miles, Tomesa | 24-(6)-2A | 22649 | 496996 |
Minton, William A. & Betty S. Minton | 25G-(3)-4 | 12175 | 456560 |
Parsons, Elizabeth A. | 23E-(31)-2 | 6209 | 658498 |
Parsons, Elizabeth A. | 23E-(31)-3 | 6325 | 658498 |
Pease, Herbert Bernard | 35-(A)-13D | 21140 | 96508 |
Pennington, Nathan | 21-(A)-14 | 9729 | 182001 |
Perkins, Mark | 83-(6)-8-9 | 75 | 658538 |
Ridings, Charles A. & Barbara Sue Ridings | 25J-(2)-6 | 12289 | 182219 |
Riggs, Chester | 72-(8)-1 | 20750 | 942445 |
Riggs, Chester M. | 23E-(11)-BK22,8A-9 | 6145 | 942445 |
Riggs, Chester M. & Mary Lynn Riggs | 72-(8)-2 | 21014 | 942445 |
Robbins, David & Kathy Freeman | 13-(A)-133 | 9853 | 182220 |
Roberts, James W. | 26-(2)-A1 | 17565 | 819549 |
Roberts, James W. | 26-(2)-B-11 | 12304 | 819549 |
Rogers, Micah J. & Tiffany A. Rogers | 26E-(1)-132 | 18824 | 496942 |
Rothey, Brian Kenneth | 84-(1)-1 | 15694 | 819567 |
Rothey, Brian Kenneth | 84-(1)-4 | 18031 | 819567 |
Rowlett, Georgia J. | 35-(A)-82 | 20923 | 819786 |
Sanders, Sr., Michael Ray & Mary Helen Sanders (Life Estate) | 55-(8)-5A | 15378 | 387494 |
Scherer, A. J. Revocable Living Trust U/D/T 2007 | 64A-(2)-28A | 262 | 387561 |
Shubert, Danny & Fred Marion | 25-(4)-4-5 | 12147 | 819557 |
Shubert, Danny & Fred Marion | 15-(1)-1-&-15-(A)-59 | 11252 | 819557 |
Skidmore, Alonzo & Frances Lynn Skidmore | 86-(A)-33 | 12679 | 96584 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 47-(1)-20 | 12870 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 47-(1)-21C,22B | 12720 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 47-(1)-22A,23 | 13073 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 80-(A)-79 | 1050 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 81-(A)-2 | 1179 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 81-(A)-1 | 2513 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 81-(A)-3 | 39 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 81-(A)-3B | 16550 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 80-(A)-80 | 14110 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 80-(A)-81 | 2472 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 80-(A)-82 | 2471 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 80-(A)-83 | 1698 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 78-(A)-33 | 1633 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 78A-(2)-5A | 19171 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 78A-(2)-4A-4 | 2290 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 62-(A)-31A | 2288 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 62-(11)-1-5 | 2078 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 62A-(1)-BK2,5-14 | 74 | 748154 |
Spade, Gary D., Michael Ray Spade & Mark Edward Spade | 48-(1)-27A-30A | 13306 | 748154 |
Spade, Mark Edward | 78A-(2)-3 | 2289 | 382405 |
Stevens, Lisa Ann | 37-(1)-2,2A | 173088 | 658206 |
Synergy Biofuels, LLC | 56-(11)-14-16 | 20109 | 819780 |
United Well Service | LE-(E)-6 | 21296 | 1049599 |
Vanhuss, Darell & Theresa Vanhuss | 23E-(38)-BK3,14,15 | 15967 | 575718 |
Wardell, Jr., Jeffrey Scott | 23E-(24)-BK29,18-19 | 23236 | 731448 |
Wells, Farrell & Joyce Wells | 17-(A)-17 | 12412 | 387470 |
Wells, Farrell & Joyce Wells | 17-(A)-84 | 12564 | 387470 |
Williams, Garry, Michael Todd Williams & Joyce Williams | 23E-(37)-37-43 | 5893 | 658479 |
Williams, Wanda L., Reagan D. Williams & Richard D. Williams | 23E-(31)-47 | 6785 | 575848 |
Wyatt, Dorrena & Christopher Wyatt | 23E-(24)-BK30,29A,30 | 6004 | 942480 |
Yeary, Tyler E., Life Estate | 83-(1)-4B | 2710 | 35504 |
Property Owner(s) | Tax Map No. | Account No. | TACS No. |
Bledsoe, Bobby Joe & Geraldine Lynn Bledsoe | 23E-(16)-BK9,1-3 | 6371 | 1079856 |
Campbell, James | 23E-(34)-14A | 2901 | 833888 |
Carden, Dennis | 23E-(6)-10D | 3270 | 497061 |
Eckles, Peggy Ann | 23E-(26)-BK2,1,2 | 3216 | 731446 |
Ewing, Ben & Peggy Ewing | 23E-(5)- BKA,13-15 | 4825 | 497055 |
Johnson, Matthew Aaron | 23E-(74)-1 | 5962 | 387589 |
Johnson, Matthew Aaron | 23E-(9)-BK1,29,30 | 6705 | 1049647 |
Johnson, Matthew Aaron | 23E-(8)-124 | 6701 | 1049647 |
Parson, Norma J. | 23E-(16)-BK5,6,7 | 3388 | 450548 |
Robinson, Janie Smith | 23E-(8)-43 | 3454 | 450554 |
Slusher, Michelle | 23E-(38)-BK3,1-5 | 5731 | 833889 |
Wilder, Amanda Mary | 23E-(24)-BK2,9,8B,10B | 6947 | 1079855 |
Wyatt, Dorrena & Christopher Wyatt | 23E-(24)-BK30,28,29 | 7059 | 942480 |
Properties subject to delinquent real estate taxes may be redeemed by paying all accumulated taxes, penalties, interest, costs and fees. Payments should be made payable to Lee County and/or Town of Pennington Gap and mailed to Taxing Authority Consulting Services PC, Post Office Box 31800, Henrico, Virginia 23294 Interested bidders and inquiries regarding the above-listed properties should be directed to TACS website at, by telephone to (804) 545-2500, by email to or by mail to:
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC
Re: Lee County and Town of Pennington Gap Delinquent RE Taxes
Post Office Box 31800
Henrico, Virginia 23294