Wise County - Real Estate Sale - TACS



Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of County of Wise, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at a live public auction the following described real estate at Wise County School Board Office, Conference Room A, 628 Lake Street NE, on November 15, 2022 at 12:00 PM.

The sale of such property is subject to the terms and conditions below, and any term or conditions which may be subsequently posted or announced by Wayne Mefford (“Auctioneer”) and Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC (“TACS”). Subsequent announcements made on the day of the auction take precedence over any prior written or verbal terms of sale.

For complete information (including terms, conditions and property listings), please see the Informational Packet.

Property Owner(s) Tax Map No. Account No. TACS No. Property Description
1 Boggs & Robinson Heirs NM 19491 94788 MINERAL RIGHTS ONLY, “Bold Camp 125.00 AC”
2 Michael J. Mullins 011 () 197A 36384 508994 8902 & 8904 Franklin Lane, Pound, 3.5 acres
3 George Harvey (Life Estate), Branson Aaron Artrip 097A6 (03) 002 009 and 097A6 (03) 002 009A 5212 and 5895 508941 1018 E. Front Street, Coeburn
4 Ronald Adkins, et als 076A6 (01) 014 5 363210 421 E. Boulevard Street N., Big Stone Gap
5 Kristy Marcum 104A5 (09) 004 007-8 18660 508975 321 Henry Street, Appalachia
6 Heather J. Adams 011 () 047 4025 94488 8141 Buckeye Street, Pound
7 Harry Litton 097A6 (01) 003 013-14 5213 363239 614 2nd Street NE, Coeburn
8 Donald Gilliam, et al. 063 () 006A 16099 146809 2600 7th Avenue E. Big Stone Gap
9 Donald Gilliam & Jamie Gilliam 076A1 (04) 00A 001-2 15472 146809 2602 7th Avenue E. Big Stone Gap
10 Wythe & Viola Swiney 097A6 (01) 020 051 5920 146939 630 Henderson Street NE, Coeburn
11 Edna V. Stallard 011 () 178 2968 509043 10751 Right Fork Road, Pound
12 Edna V. Stallard 011B (01) 00F 00E; 011B (01) 00F 00A; 011B (01) 00F 001-2; and 011B (01) 00F 003-4 3987, 3988, 3989, and 3990 509043 Right Fork Road, Pound
13 Herbert & Melinda Gibson 104A6 (04) 001 001-2-3 18274 363323 601 Dixon Avenue, Appalachia
14 Adrian Hamilton 076A4 (02) 141 010-11 974 363215 1005 3rd Avenue E., Big Stone Gap
15 Robert L. Mabe 047A1 () 281-282 and 047A1 () 283-284 16342 and 15401 94663  5332 Stonega Road, Appalachia
16 Elizabeth Lester & Ryan Baker Hensley 037G (01) 010A-11-12 13672 94629 219 Azalea Drive SW, Wise

GENERAL TERMS OF SALE:  All sales are subject to confirmation by the Circuit Court. The Special Commissioner has the right to reject any bids determined to be unreasonable in relation to the estimated value of the Property. Any unsold property will be offered for sale again at the next auction, whenever that may be.

Properties are conveyed by Special Warranty Deed, subject to any easements, covenants, agreements, restrictions, reservations, and any and all rights of record which may affect the property. Properties are offered for sale as-is, where-is, and if-is, with all faults and without any warranty, either expressed or implied. Persons are encouraged to make a visual inspection of the property within the limits of the law and to obtain an independent title search, at their own expense, prior to bidding on any of the properties to determine the suitableness of the property for their purposes. It is not guaranteed that the property has a right-of-way or that it is not landlocked. Property is sold in gross and not by the acre. There is no warranty as to the accuracy of the GIS system, nor is the information contained therein a legal representation of any of the features of the property which it depicts.

The sale of property to the highest bidder is not contingent upon obtaining financing. Financing, if needed, is the sole responsibility of the high bidder. By bidding, parties are entering into a legally binding contract, waive all rescission rights, and understand that their bid is immediately binding, irrevocable, and enforceable. Additionally, by bidding, parties are representing that they have read, and agree to be bound by, all terms and conditions for this sale. Failure to complete the property purchase will result in forfeiture of any funds paid and may subject the highest bidder to additional damages, which may include expenses and any deficit upon resale.

PAYMENT TERMS:  On the day of the auction, the highest bidder shall make a deposit in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) or One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), whichever is higher, along with a 10% buyer’s premium, subject to a minimum of $100.00, added to the final bid. Bids which are less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) shall be paid in full at the time of the auction. Deposits shall not exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) per parcel. Such sum shall be held by the Special Commissioner and credited towards the purchase price following confirmation of the sale. Subsequent taxes will be prorated from the auction date, and the highest bidder will be responsible for taxes from that date forward.

The balance of the purchase price and recording costs for deed recordation shall be deposited by the highest bidder with the Special Commissioner within fifteen (15) days of confirmation of the sale by the Court. 

All payments must be made in the form of personal check, cashier’s check or money order. No cash will be accepted. 

GENERAL TERMS: To qualify as a purchaser at this auction, you may not owe delinquent taxes to County of Wise and you may not be a Defendant in any pending delinquent tax matter.  Questions concerning the property subject to sale should be directed to TACS online at www.taxva.com, by email to taxsales@taxva.com, by phone to 804-612-0629, or by writing to the address below.

Re: County of Wise Judicial Sale Auction
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC
P.O. Box 31800
Henrico, Virginia 23294-1800



Pursuant to Virginia Code §58.1-3975, the following real property will be auctioned for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, which will commence at The Wise County School Board Office, Conference Room A, 628 Lake Street NE, on November 15, 2022 at 12:00 PM or soon thereafter as may be affected.

The sale of such property is subject to the terms and conditions below, any conditions which may be subsequently posted by Wayne Mefford (“Auctioneer”) and Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC (“TACS”), and any such terms and conditions which may be announced on the day of the auction. Announcements made on the day of the auction take precedence over any prior written or verbal terms of sale.

For complete information (including terms, conditions and property listings), please see the Information Packet

Property Owner(s) Tax Map No. Account No. TACS No. Property Description
N1 Susie Fraley (Estate), A.J. Fraley (Estate) 054 () 203 9634 94580 1 acre, Coeburn Mountain Road
N2 Johnny & Deloris Wells 104A4 (06) 022 002 18064 94729 124 Powell Street, Appalachia
N3 Jhosette & Grant Moore 055A (03) 003 020-21 8398 94561 Robinette Road, Coeburn
N4 Leonda & Anthony Keith 071 () 002 7325 94538 5 acres, Fairfax Road, Crab Orchard
N5 Benjamin H. Collins, et als 006 () 124B 2675 636226 1.26 acres, Magnolia Street, Pound
N6 A.H. Sprinkle Estate 104A6 (04) 002 001-2-3 18865 94772 602 Dixon Avenue, Appalachia
N7 Nannie D. Smith 037 () 012 8927 94575 0.36 acre, Dixie Road, Wise
N8 H.D. Dickerson Heirs 077 () 145 15070 94652 0.58 acre, Crackers Neck Road, Big Stone Gap
N9 Faye F. Page 054E (03) 00B 010+BK.D L5 6727 94527 Craig Road, Coeburn
N10 Gladys C. Spray 054 () 012 13013 94627 2.5 acres, Hall Orchard Road
N11 Anthony & Leonda Keith 097A5 (01) 016 002D1 37077 94538 0.29 acre, Kiser Avenue SE, Coeburn
N12 W.J. Moore 097A4 (08) 002 009-10 5635 94508 Kiser Avenue SE / Queen Street SE, Coeburn

GENERAL TERMS OF SALE:  The Treasurer has the right to reject any bids determined to be unreasonable in relation to estimated value of the Property. Properties are conveyed by Special Warranty Deed, subject to any easements, covenants, agreements, restrictions, reservations, and any and all rights of record which may affect the property. Properties are offered for sale as-is, where is, with all faults and without any warranty, either expressed or implied. Persons are encouraged to make a visual inspection of the property within the limits of the law and to obtain an independent title search, at their own expense, prior to bidding on any of the properties to determine the suitableness of the property for their purposes. It is not guaranteed that the property has a right-of-way or that it is not landlocked. Property is sold in gross and not by the acre. There is no warranty as to the accuracy of the GIS system, nor is the information contained therein a legal representation of any of the features of the property which it depicts.

The sale of property to the highest bidder is not contingent upon obtaining financing. Financing, if needed, is the sole responsibility of the high bidder.

By bidding, parties are entering into a legally binding contract, waive all rescission rights, and understand that their bid is immediately binding, irrevocable, and enforceable. Additionally, by bidding, parties are representing that they have read, and agree to be bound by, all terms and conditions for this sale. Failure to complete the property purchase will result in forfeiture of any funds paid and may subject the highest bidder to additional damages, which may include expenses and any deficit upon resale.  

PAYMENT TERMS: The highest bidder shall remit payment in full at the time of the auction. There will be a 10% buyer’s premium or a $100.00 flat fee, whichever is greater, added to the final bid to determine final contract price. Recording costs for deed recordation will also be the responsibility of the successful bidder, due at the time of the auction. All payments must be made in the form of personal check, traveler’s check, cashier’s check, or money order. No cash will be accepted.

To qualify as a purchaser at this auction you may not owe delinquent taxes to Wise County. Questions concerning the properties subject to sale should be directed to TACS online at www.taxva.com, by email to taxsales@taxva.com, by phone to 804-612-0629, or by writing to the address below.

Re: COUNTY OF WISE Non-Judicial Sale Auction
Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC
P.O. Box 31800
Henrico, Virginia 23294-1800