What am I Expected to Pay on the Auction Day? - TACS

Terms of sale vary, so review the advertisement, the bid package on the day of the auction, or ask one of the TACS staff about the terms.  Announcements will be made at the beginning of each auction to provide the terms of sale and answer any questions about the process.

  • Generally our terms of sale are as follows:
    25% down on the day of the auction up to a maximum of $20,000 and a minimum of $1,000 (or the full bid price if less than $1,000; and,
  • A buyer’s premium (usually 10% of the bid price).

We accept personal checks at the auction, so you do not need to guess what your final bid price will be in getting certified funds.  We also discourage cash at the auctions often refuse to accept cash for security reasons (ours and yours).  We do not accept credit cards for real estate tax sales.